Quality Policy

The success of APS Arosio in terms of product and customer satisfaction is a strategic goal that our company pursues with determination. This translates into quantifiable advantages both in terms of job security and in the stability and development of the company. In this logic, the quality of supplies and services offered on the market is a critical success factor that our company rigorously pursues. The company quality policy is defined directly by the Management which establishes the objectives, general guidelines, commitments for quality and responsibilities. These company choices are contained in the Quality Manual and Management Procedures.


  • Designing new products that meet the needs of the reference markets
  • Produce and market products that comply with the quality requirements and standards in force and as free from defects as possible
  • Building customer loyalty
  • Achieve customer satisfaction
  • Increase your presence on the market
  • Apply the laws regarding safety at work and the protection of personal data
  • Pursue continuous improvement of processes and performance, involving interested parties and evaluating the context in which the organization operates in order to identify risks and opportunities

The Management has the task of divulging these objectives to the personnel and verifying their achievement.
At the beginning of each calendar year, the Management itself defines the Quality objectives to be achieved during the year, preparing any improvement plans in concert with the functions concerned. These objectives are formalized and communicated to the personnel involved.
The involvement and consequent motivation of company personnel, at all levels, is ensured by meetings and training sessions organized by the Quality Management Manager. These meetings are aimed at illustrating and discussing specific programs and objectives.
The Management reviews the Quality Management System at least once a year to establish and ensure its compliance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard and the programs and objectives defined as a strategy.

MS Certification ISO 9001:2015

Here you can see and download the new certificate MS Certification ISO 9001:2015

MS Certification ISO 9001:2015

Certificate of Conformity of the ISO 9001: 2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM


For the correct disposal, refer to the legislation in force in the area where the packaging material will be disposed of.

Here below general indications, to be checked by the final customer:

TÜV Leackage Performance

Based on the positive results of a comprehensive test in accordance with DIN EN 1751 (06/2014) standard for labeling "KL3" "KL4" complete dampers

Istituto Giordano

Certifications: Dampers, Flexible ducts connection, Droplet separators